Sorry for the delayed email today. I left school early for a family emergency and am just now with Internet access.
- Fact packets (for students who have not mastered addition or subtraction) are due Friday.
- Great Fire Escape plans are due by Friday - the top class in the school (based on the number of returned plans) earns a pizza party!
- Nature's Nursery donations due by Oct. 30th
- School pictures are scheduled for Friday for anyone who missed pictures at registration, or would like to have retakes.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky
Read Space Probes in reading textbook.
88% AR needed by Friday
88% AR needed by Friday
Social Studies:
None. None.
Study math facts
(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by October 23rd)
Lesson 7 - tough list!
Test for Dressel is Thursday
Test for Pransky is Friday.