Monday, August 31, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 8-31-15


  • Connect to your Parent Class Dojo account (if you have not connected you should have receive an e-mail invite to do this.)
  • Pizza Hut Dine Out Fundraiser - Thursday, September 3


Context Clues (complete one side of the nonsense words paper)
Read for 20 minutes.  AR goal for Friday = 22%



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 8-27-15


Math facts.  Nightly practice with Math face can make a huge impact on  your child's success in Math this year.  Students who are fast and accurate with their facts will have a much easier time when we learn harder math calculation such as long division.  Basic facts need to be memorized - please discourage your child from using finger counting or other techniques.  While they are helpful when children are first learning facts, they inhibit fluency over time.  So, what is considered fast?  If your child cannot recall a fact within 3 seconds or less, then it needs to be reviewed more.  See attachment for copies of timed test sheets that can be used at home for practice.

AR goal.  Mrs. Dressel spoke with students today about their progress toward their AR goal this week.  Students who have been reading nightly and keeping up with their reading goal should be at 11% (or higher) of their goal by tomorrow.  If your child is reading a longer book that cannot be finished that week, Mrs. Dressel will usually allow the student to be less than 11% as longer as they have reached an appropriate page goal in the book.  Please ask you child for more details about this.

TAP - The Tutoring Assistance Program (TAP) is a free one-on-one tutoring program offered by the Zion Lutheran Church just down the road from the school.  Volunteers from the church have work with children from 3:30-4:45 on Wednesdays.  The time begins with a 15 minute snack and beverage and then 1 hour of adult-led tutoring.  Students can work with their tutor to complete homework, read together, study for tests, or work on skills that need practice.  Please see the attached document for more information, and contact your child's homeroom teacher if you are interested in signing your child up for this program.

  • Connect to your Parent Class Dojo account (if you have not connected you should have receive an e-mail invite to do this.)
  • Back to School Bash is Friday, August 28.  We hope to see you there!
  • Please have your child bring in extra pair of scissors if they have one at home.

"Lion" Expanded form worksheet

Read for 20 minutes.  AR goal for Friday = 11%



Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 8-26-15


Reading Logs.  I'd really like to get students off to a good start with reading.  Once students fall behind, it is very difficult for them to catch up.  This Friday, students are expected to be at 11% of their individually set AR goals.  You can help by making sure that your child is reading the same book at school and at home until it is finished, and an AR quiz is taken.  Students should be completing their reading logs, at the bottom of the homework sheet, and bringing them to you to initial each night.  
Thanks to those who have been doing this.

TAP - The Tutoring Assistance Program (TAP) is a free one-on-one tutoring program offered by the Zion Lutheran Church just down the road from the school.  Volunteers from the church have work with children from 3:30-4:45 on Wednesdays.  The time begins with a 15 minute snack and beverage and then 1 hour of adult-led tutoring.  Students can work with their tutor to complete homework, read together, study for tests, or work on skills that need practice.  Please see the attached document for more information, and contact your child's homeroom teacher if you are interested in signing your child up for this program.

Scissors.  Our order of scissors is on back order.  If your child has an extra pair of scissors at home, it would be helpful to send them in until our order comes in.  Thank you!

  • Connect to your Parent Class Dojo account (if you have not connected you should have receive an e-mail invite to do this.)
  • Granite City Night TONIGHT - If you dine in, or get carry out tonight, a portion of your bill goes to our Parents' Club.  Make sure you either give them the flyer, or let them know you are from Whitehouse!


Read for 20 minutes.  AR goal for Friday = 11%


relative location worksheet (both sides)

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Open House Team "Selfies"

Team Mindcrafters
(Miss Schnee, Mr. Pransky, & Mrs. Dressel)
 4th Grade Team
(from Left: Mrs. McMurtrie, Mrs. Whitlow,
Mrs. Dressel, Mr. Pransky, Mrs. Lindrup, Miss Schnee