Monday, September 30, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-30-13


Last week's spelling test was tough for many students.  We expect students to get at least a C or better (72% or higher).  Since the goal is learning these grade level words, students who earn less than 72% will be asked to retake the test.


  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
  • Earbuds for use with laptops in class.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


66% needed by Friday.

Social Studies:  

Preamble by tomorrow! Schoolhouse Rock video 


Study for science test Wednesday - practice test is on Moodle


Study math facts 

(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Review list week.  Students will have 25 words from lessons 1-5.  Start reviewing.

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Friday, September 27, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-27-13


Your child was given a mid-quarter update report today.  Please review this with your child, and return the bottom portion signed on Monday.


  • Book Orders.  Orders due Monday.  You may turn in an order Monday, or place one online by 4:00 on Monday.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.
  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
  • Earbuds for use with laptops in class.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Read over the weekend.
55% needed to play battleball on Monday.
66% needed by next Friday.

Social Studies:  

Students need to know the Preamble by Tuesday! Schoolhouse Rock video 


Study for science test Wednesday - practice test is on Moodle


Study math facts 

(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Thursday, September 26, 2013

9/23/13 Team Mindcrafters Daily Update


STAR Math Parent Report.  Yesterday I sent home a parent report to show you how your child performed on their Fall benchmark assessment for Math.  As a class, the kids did awesome!  The Percentile Rank (PR) on the paper shows how your child "stacks up" so to speak with all of the other students who took the test nationally.  A PR of 50 would mean than your child scored better than 50 percent of the all of the students who tested.  This report also has a parent signature line - I meant to leave this off of the report.  These do not need to be signed and returned.  Thank you to the conscientious parents who already did anyhow!

-Mr. Pransky

Science test.  Your child will have a test over Chapter 1 (The Nature of Science) next Wednesday.  For each test, I will try to post a Practice test on Moodle that your child can do at home to be sure they know what they need to for the test.  The practice test has been posted here.  Students can do the practice test as many times as they would like for review.

  • Book Orders.  Due September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.  This is open to both classes.
  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
  • Earbuds for use with laptops in class.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Text Features worksheet.

Novel reading:
  • Boy in the Girls' Bathroom pgs 174-193
  • Strider pgs 123-147
  • Hollis Wood pgs 138-159

Social Studies:  

Keep practicing that Preamble, students need to be able to say this to me (or sing it) by 10/1.  Many students have already done this successfully!! Schoolhouse Rock video 


Ch. 1 - Lesson 4 Check (worksheet) - Use the book!


Study math facts 

(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9/25/13


  • Book Orders.  Due September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.  This is open to both classes.
  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
  • Earbuds for use with laptops in class.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Text Features worksheet.

Novel reading:
  • Boy in the Girls' Bathroom pgs 155-173
  • Strider pgs 91-123
  • Hollis Wood pgs 119-137

Social Studies:  

Keep practicing that Preamble, students need to be able to say this to me (or sing it) by 10/1.  Many students have already done this successfully!!  Schoolhouse Rock video




Study math facts 

(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Science activity: paper clip magnet pick-up

Parents & students,

In Science we have been learning about the Scientific method.  In order to understand this process better, we have been doing  a lot of experiments to practice the steps.  I uploaded a few pictures from our Science activity today.  See them at the class blog.  (Sorry I wasn't able to get more students.  I'll try to remember to capture some more this week as we do our "toy car" experiment on Thursday.)

We have also been starting class by listening to some fun science songs to learn the Scientific Method.

Here are a few we have used:

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade
Science Experiment:
How many paper clips can a magnet pick up in one "dip"?

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9/23/13


Don't forget that we are on a two hour delay schedule tomorrow. 

Headphones.  If possible, please send in a pair of earbuds for your child to use with the iPads and laptops this year.  Please put them in a sealable baggie with their their name on it.  These are not needed right away, so its not necessary to rush out and get some. If you could have your child bring a set in the next couple weeks, that would be fine.

  • Book Orders.  Due September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.  This is open to both classes.
  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Novel reading:
  • Boy in the Girls' Bathroom pgs 127-154
  • Strider pgs 59-90
  • Hollis Wood pgs 101-118
  • Freckle Juice - Chapter 5

Social Studies:  

Keep practicing that Preamble!  Here's a link to a Schoolhouse Rocks Youtube song that will help the students.  The Preamble starts at minute 1:00.  




Accelerated Math

Study math facts 

(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Monday, September 23, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-23-13


  • Book Orders.  Due September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.  This is open to both classes.
  • Carnival Donation Items: Mr. Pransky's class theme is BBQ, Mrs. Dressel's class theme is Car Wash.
  • 2 hour delay Wednesday - This is on AW's calendar for Professional Development.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Main Idea worksheet
Novel reading:
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: pgs. 102-126
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Read pgs. 80-100
  • Strider: Read pgs. 30-58
  • Freckle Juice: Chapter 4

Social Studies:  

Keep practicing that Preamble!  Here's a link to a Schoolhouse Rocks Youtube song that will help the students.  The Preamble starts at minute 1:00.  




Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-20-13


Fall is upon us, even though the weather has been warm!  Next week the lows will be back down in the 40's.  Our level does recess at 9:50, and it is often chilly at that time.  Please make sure that your child starts thinking about the temperature as they are getting ready to leave for school.  A jacket or warm sweatshirt might be needed next week.

Book Order.
  Orders are due by September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.  This is open to both classes.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Novel reading:  Remember: Those reading one of the top two novels below will not need 44% to play battleball Monday, but they will need at least the 33% from the week before.  Those groups should finish those novels next week, which will help them get the 55% they'll need.
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: p. 80-101
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Read pgs. 62-79
  • Strider: Read 1-29.

Social Studies:  

Keep practicing that Preamble!  Here's a link to a Schoolhouse Rocks Youtube song that will help the students.  The Preamble starts at minute 1:00.  




Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Math Fact Practice


Students are continuing to show daily growth with their math facts.  Memorizing math facts is an essential skill that will pay big dividends as we learn different topics in math this year.  At this point, I wanted to answer some questions you may have and give some tips to help your child learn their facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 

When do these need to be mastered? 
Addition and subtraction facts need to be mastered by the end of first quarter, but will be needed even sooner as we will begin addition and subtraction of greater number starting next week.  Multiplication needs to be mastered by the end of second quarter, and division by the end of third quarter.

What happens if my child does not know these facts by this time?
I will send home packets of facts each week that will need to be completed and signed by a parent.  I will begin sending these home at midterm (next week) for those who have not mastered addition and near the end of the quarter for those who have not mastered subtraction.

How can I find out where my child is on their fact mastery?
Log in with your child's AR username and password using Home Connect.  Click the Math tab and then Math Fact in a Flash.

What is the expectation for speed and accuracy of the facts?
The expectation for mastery is 40 out of 40 facts in 2 minutes using Math Facts in a Flash.  This is the same pace as 100 facts in 5 minutes if you are using one of the attached fact sheets.  

How will Math Facts in a Flash be used?
Students will move through levels of facts sequentially starting at addition of 0's and 1's all the way up to 2 levels of review of all addition facts.  Then the same process follows for learning subtraction, multiplication, and division facts.  After division is mastered, students will be challenged memorize enrichment levels such as multiplication facts up to 12's, squares, fraction to decimal conversions, and more.

Can we use Math Facts in a Flash to practice at home?
Absolutely.  Math facts can be practiced at home using using Home Connect.  However, a student can only pass levels at school in order to move up levels.

How should I help my child practice?
You have a lot of options:

1.  I am still a fan of good old fashioned flash card practice   I like them because you can target just the facts your child needs to review.  Try this.  Start with the whole pack.  Show them to your child.  Make 2 piles - one for facts your child knows immediately and the other for the ones they don't.  Count in your head to three.  If they can't answer in that time, supply the answer and then move on to the next card.  When you are done, go through the "needs practice" pile again and remove any that your child has now learned.  Keep doing this until all the facts are mastered in 3 seconds or less.

2.  Have an iPad or iPod or other mobile device?  There are tons of free or inexpensive math fact practice apps out there that can be used.  Some recommended ones I have used: Times Table Lab, Math Fact Master, Math Showdown, Scootpad, and Math Garden.  Avoid fact practice games that are more game than practice.

3.  Use the fact sheets attached to this e-mail.  Have your child use a timer to complete all or as many as they can.  Each day, set a goal for your child to get faster.

4.  Does your child like to learn with music?  I have some rap style music DVDs that help with facts for multiplication you can borrow - just let me know.  You can also try out  You can get a free month trial and use it to help learn addition, subtraction, or multiplication facts using really fun rap music.

As always, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

9/19/13 Team Mindcrafters Daily Update


Math Facts.  Look for a separate e-mail regarding math facts FAQ and tips tonight.

Book Order.  Mrs. Dressel sent a packet of order forms to Mr. Pransky's class today.  Orders are due by September 30th.  Use class activation code: GJLYC to order online.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Novel reading:
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: p. 62-79 
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Read pgs. 41-58
  • Dear Mr. Henshaw: Read 91-121.
  • Freckle Juice: Finish chapter 4

Social Studies:  

Start practicing that Preamble!  Here's a link to a Schoolhouse Rocks Youtube song that will help the students.  The Preamble starts at minute 1:00.  


Complete Ch. 1 Lesson 3 Check (worksheet)
Did your child forget their book?  They can view it online.  Follow the directions below.  It accesses both our Math and our science series.

How to access the Web site:

1.. Go to

2.  Enter your  user name 

(aw e-mail address):

3.  Enter your password: math123

Note: User name and password are case sensitive


Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9/18/13 Team Mindcrafters Daily Update


Students took a test over Topic 1 (Place Value and Problem Solving using organized lists) using Moodle today.  Your child will have an opportunity to raise to mastery level (4) in class tomorrow if they were not able to achieve that on this test today.  You can view your child's results here.

un: 2022xxx
pw: aw+lunch number

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Novel reading:
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: Chapters 10-14
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Read pgs. 26-40
  • Dear Mr. Henshaw: Read through page 90.
  • Freckle Juice: Finish chapter 3

Social Studies:  

Start practicing that Preamble!  Here's a link to a Schoolhouse Rocks Youtube song that will help the students.  The Preamble starts at minute 1:00. 




Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

9/17/13 Team Mindcrafters Daily Update


In Math today students logged in to Pearson Success Net to do a practice test for their place value test tomorrow.  I sent a paper and an e-mail home about how to do this previously.  Several students had done this at home for practice already - thank you!  Your child can do another test at home for practice with similar, but different questions to review if they would like.

CogATs.  Your child will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) over the next three days.  The tests are short (30 minutes) and are designed to assess your child's abilities with verbal, mathematical, and spatial problems.

Constitution Day.  Today was Constitution Day.  This was perfectly timed to start the second half our our Government Unit.  Today students were given an overview of the Constitution, and we broke down the meaning of the Preamble.  All 4th grade students are being challenged to memorize the Preamble by October 1st.  A copy has been placed in their take-home folders for practice.  This task gives the students a chance to work on their studying and memorization skills.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Novel reading:
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: Chapters 6-9 
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Read chapter 2
  • Dear Mr. Henshaw: Read through page 60.
  • Freckle Juice: Finish chapter 1

Social Studies:  





AM Practice

Test tomorrow over place value.

Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Monday, September 16, 2013

Team Mindcrafters - Math Test review


Your child will have his/her first Math test this Wednesday over Topic 1 (Place Value and Problem Solving using an Organized list).  I have put online a practice test on the Pearson website that your child can do for practice at home.  Here's how to log in.

How to access the Web site:

1.. Go to

2.  Enter your child's user name (aw e-mail address):

3.  Enter your child's password: math123

Note: User name and password are case sensitive

Click "To Do" at the top right.

Click "Topic 1 Test" to take the practice test.  It will score it for you automatically and you can take it again (a new version) for even more practice.

Let me know if you have any difficulty.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-16-13


Students were assigned their novels today.  Students reading There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom or Pictures of Hollis Woods, will not need to have 44% on Friday, as we will be in the middle of those 5 point books.  Students will be assigned pages to read each night for the next two weeks.  This will replace their usual independent nightly reading.  They will still have their typical homework assignment each day.

Reminder about Soulshoppe tonight:

Mr. Savage will be hosting a FREE session for parents in the school gym at 6:00pm Monday evening.  Joseph is a fantastic speaker and always shares wonderful insights that can be used to help us teach our children great ways to get along with one another.  Feel free to bring your  friends.  Students are permitted in the evening, but the evening presentation will be geared to adults.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


Everyone - language review worksheet (both sides)

Novel reading:
  • There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom: Chapters 2-5 (stop at chap 6)
  • Pictures of Hollis Woods: Reread Picture 1, and read chapter 1
  • Dear Mr. Henshaw: Read through page 30.
  • Freckle Juice: Finish chapter 1

Social Studies:  

With the crazy Soulshoppe schedule today, students did not have an opportunity to retake the Social Studies test on Moodle if they planned to do so.  I will make sure that they can retake tomorrow during study hall.




Test Wednesday over place value.  Look for an email from Mr. Pransky with more details.

Study math facts 

(+/- must be mastered by end of 1st quarter)


Practice list on SpellingCity

Test for Dressel is Thursday

Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.