Monday, January 29, 2018

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 1-29-18

Lunar Eclipse.  This week there is an opportunity to view a lunar eclipse.  I believe the optimal time to see it is around 7:40 AM on Wednesday January 31st.  Your child might be interested in learning more about what causes a lunar eclipse and how it is different from the solar eclipse we experienced recently.  If so, have them check out this cool Mystery Science video about it.

SOUPer Bowl Canned Food Drive - The Student Council will be hosting a food drive all next week.  Your child can bring in a non-perishable food item(s) and show support for the team of their choice in the upcoming Super Bowl.

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HOMEWORK:  Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.

  • Friday - Favorite team Spirit Day

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade teacher

On the web:

Monday, January 22, 2018

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 1/22/18


Pransky homeroom pizza party - Mr. Pransky's homeroom won the Jojo's pizza party.  It will be this Friday, January 26.  If you would like to send in juice boxes/pouches please contact Mr. Pransky.

SOUPer Bowl Canned Food Drive - The Student Council will be hosting a food drive all next week.  Your child can bring in a non-perishable food item(s) and show support for the team of their choice in the upcoming Super Bowl.

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HOMEWORK:  Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.

MONDAY - Learn Zillion (code LZ1481)

TUESDAY - Accelerated Math

WEDNESDAY - Scholastic News

THURSDAY - Learning Farm - roots and affixes


  • Wednesday - Wear AWAKE t-shirts
  • Friday - Pizza Party for Mr. Pransky's homeroom

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 1/16/18


Family Artifact Project - Today students will bring home a sheet that has their scheduled presentation date on it. Please make sure that your child brings their three artifacts to school with them on that day. I also am asking you to mark which item we can keep at school for our "museum". The other items will be sent home that same day, and kept items will be returned in a few weeks. Please let me know if you have any questions about this project.

200% Pizza Party - Congratulations to the following students who earned 200% of their AR goal: Kacee, Ethan, Gabriela R, McKenna, Collin, Brody and Dean. These students will enjoy a pizza party tomorrow!

AR goals - New goals have been set for the 3rd quarter. Coming home today is your child's AR record report from the 2nd quarter, and the third quarter goal is noted on this page. Attached is the STAR report that includes your child's most recent test taken last week.

Math facts. We have been working hard on long division the past two weeks. The students are doing great with this so far! The only thing holding back some students is fluency with division facts. Students who have not passed division in Math Facts in a Flash will be staying in for recess to master one level per day until they have mastered division.

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HOMEWORK:  Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.


TUESDAY - long division #4 worksheet

WEDNESDAY - Primary / Secondary Sources worksheet

AM Practice

  • Friday, January 19 - Grades available in Powerschool
  • Friday, January 19 - Spirit Day - Crazy Hair

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update - 1-9-18


Book Orders - These are due Thursday, January 11. Remember, Scholastic's website offers a wide selection of books that can be ordered, and they are searchable in many ways, including by AR level.  To order online use our class code: GJLYC

Sign Club is cancelled for this Thursday

Family Artifact Project - Look for some information coming home today that will be a project to start our history unit.  I would like for students to returned the bottom signed portion of the packet ASAP to make sure that you have the information.  I intended to present this last Friday, so some dates have been changed.  The attached archive labels for the project will need to be completed by next Tuesday.  Students will find out next week which day they will present.  Please do not send any objects in before your child's presentation date as I do not have room to store items.

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HOMEWORK:  Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.


TUESDAY - AM Practice

WEDNESDAY - Scholastic News - This is also available digitally through Google Classroom, which comes in handy if a student forgets theirs at school, or is absent the day it is handed out.

THURSDAY - Archive Labels (due Tues.)

  • Thursday, January 11 - Book Orders Due
  • Thursday, January 11 - End of the quarter
  • Friday, January 12 - No school for students!  Teacher Work Day
  • Monday, January 15 - No school - MJK Jr. Day observed
  • Friday, January 19 - Grades available in Powerschool

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade teacher

On the web:

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 1/3/18


Happy New Year - We hope that your family had a fun, yet relaxing, break.

Book Orders - New book orders went home today. They are due next Thursday, January 11. Remember, Scholastic's website offers a wide selection of books that can be ordered, and they are searchable in many ways, including by AR level.  To order online use our class code: GJLYC

Student Websites.  Approximately once every other week, students have been developing their own websites, which are used as digital journals. This is a work in progress, but you can check out your child's website through mine, linked here. Just click on the 2026 tab at the top, and look for your child's name under his/her homeroom teacher's name.

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HOMEWORK:  Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.



WEDNESDAY - Scholastic News - This is also available digitally through Google Classroom, which comes in handy if a student forgets theirs at school, or is absent the day it is handed out.

THURSDAY - Learning Farm - Summarizing Literature

  • Thursday, January 11 - Book Orders Due
  • Thursday, January 11 - End of the quarter
  • Friday, January 12 - No school for students!  Teacher Work Day
  • Monday, January 15 - No school - MJK Jr. Day observed
  • Friday, January 19 - Grades available in Powerschool

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543