Happy New Year - We hope that your family had a fun, yet relaxing, break.
Book Orders - New book orders went home today. They are due next Thursday, January 11. Remember, Scholastic's website offers a wide selection of books that can be ordered, and they are searchable in many ways, including by AR level. To order online use our class code: GJLYC
Student Websites. Approximately once every other week, students have been developing their own websites, which are used as digital journals. This is a work in progress, but you can check out your child's website through mine, linked here. Just click on the 2026 tab at the top, and look for your child's name under his/her homeroom teacher's name.
THURSDAY - Learning Farm - Summarizing Literature
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HOMEWORK: Link for student version copied on the first day of each week.
WEDNESDAY - Scholastic News - This is also available digitally through Google Classroom, which comes in handy if a student forgets theirs at school, or is absent the day it is handed out.
THURSDAY - Learning Farm - Summarizing Literature
- Thursday, January 11 - Book Orders Due
- Thursday, January 11 - End of the quarter
- Friday, January 12 - No school for students! Teacher Work Day
- Monday, January 15 - No school - MJK Jr. Day observed
- Friday, January 19 - Grades available in Powerschool
Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543