Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Team Mindcrtafters Daily Update - 11-30-16


  • Thursday - Jo Jo's Dine-Out night
  • Return papers for Slime Shop
  • Return Directory form

Math:  AM Practice

Science: none

Reading: none
  • AR goal by Friday - 55%
  • Spelling Test - Thursday (pretest is on Wednesday)
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 11-29-16


Slime Shop - As a culmination to our economics unit in social studies, the 4th graders will be participating in Slime Shop.  We will apply all parts of this experience to the concepts learned in the second quarter.  Today two papers were sent home about this project.  We first want students to become "investors" in our business.  One of the papers explains this, and asks for students to EARN a dollar to use in the start up costs of our business.  The other paper is an application for students complete to become an employee of our business.  Both of these papers are due by Monday, December 5.  The best part is that all of our profits are used to help a family in need for the upcoming season!  Thanks for your support in this fun learning experience.

Directory.  The Whitehouse Parents Club sent a form home yesterday.  If you would like your information included in the directory, please return this form to school.

  • Wednesday - AWAKE t-shirt day
  • Thursday - Jo Jo's Dine-Out night

Math:  Learn Zillion video 3 & 4 (Quick code: 4WD7F7R and R6MS7FW)

Science: none

Reading: none
  • AR goal by Friday - 55%
  • Spelling Test - Thursday (pretest is on Wednesday)
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update - 11-15-16


  • Spirit Day Friday - Team Colors Day

Math:  Learn Zillion Videos #1 (N632X7V) & #2 (8TF6CE7).  Complete packet pages.

Science: None

Reading: None
  • AR goal by Friday - 44%
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update


Math Facts.  Attached are some practice pages to work on multiplication facts.  Any students who have not passed multiplication in Math Facts in a Flash are being asked to stay in recess until they pass one level each day.  Strong fluency with basic facts is helpful with understanding factors, multiples, prime, and composite numbers.

  • Donuts with Dads  - Nov. 9-11

Math:  AM Practice

Science: None

Reading: ELA sheet
  • AR goal by Friday - 33%
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update - 11-2,16


Want to practice using Math Facts in a Flash at home?
Log in with Home connect.
un: lastname_firstname

Science.  Students will have their second test this Thursday over Plant and Animal Life cycles.  Students have a paper study guide and flash cards to review.  They can also do the practice test on Moodle or play a game of Kahoot to review as well. 

  • Thursday, November 3 - Dine Out at Pizza Hut
  • Friday, November 4 - Mother/Son dance
  • Friday, November 4 - Scholastic book orders due - class code: GJLYC
  • Tuesday, November 8 - Teacher Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Math:  None

                Study for test Thursday over Plant and Animal Life Cycles.  

Reading: None
  • AR goal by Friday - 22%
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web:

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update - 11-1-16


Math.  We have been learning multiplication concepts the past two weeks.  The 4th grade expectation is for students to be able to identify multiples of numbers 2-10 and factors of any number less than 100.  Later this week we will learn to identify prime and composite numbers.  The key to learning these skills is often fluency with basic multiplication facts.  Starting next week any students who have not mastered multiplication will be asked to stay in for part of recess to practice these facts.

Want to practice using Math Facts in a Flash at home?
Log in with Home connect.
un: lastname_firstname

Science.  Students will have their second test this Thursday over Plant and Animal Life cycles.  Students have a paper study guide and flash cards to review.  They can also do the practice test on Moodle or play a game of Kahoot to review as well. 

  • Thursday, November 3 - Dine Out at Pizza Hut
  • Friday, November 4 - Mother/Son dance
  • Friday, November 4 - Scholastic book orders due - class code: GJLYC
  • Tuesday, November 8 - Teacher Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Math:  AM Practice

Science: Study for test Thursday over Plant and Animal Life Cycles.  

Reading: None
  • AR goal by Friday - 22%
Social Studies: none

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

On the web: