Monday, October 21, 2013

Fwd: Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 10-18-13


This is Red Ribbon Week.  This year the focus will be on ways that we can make healthy choices for ourselves.  Tomorrow's theme is vegetables.  Students should wear a color that represents their favorite vegetable.  Students are also encouraged to pack vegetables in their lunches, or for snack.  We plan to give students a bonus Dojo point for having a vegetable for snack tomorrow.

  • Fact packets (for students who have not mastered addition or subtraction) are due Friday.
  • Nature's Nursery donations due by Oct. 30th
  • Music Program Oct. 24, 9:00 am and 7:00 pm.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky

The end of the quarter is this Wednesday.  We would love for every child to meet their AR goal for the first quarter by then.  However, they may have until Friday to reach 100% if needed.

Social Studies:  
Government practice test. Please have your child attempt to complete this as if it were a test. Then he/she should use the study guide to check their answers, AND make corrections if needed. Test is Wednesday.


Study math facts 
(addition and subtractions facts must be mastered by October 23rd)

Lesson 8
Test for Dressel is Thursday
Test for Pransky is Friday.

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.