Monday, January 27, 2014

Presentation Schedule update and CHALLENGE

Dear Parents,

Well, as we had suspected, we are now using calamity days that will be made up in the summer.  This will be a winter to remember!

In considering the schedule for Family Artifact presentations, I am making some adjustments.  Since those who were scheduled to present this week may not be prepared, and left their papers at school, the students that were prepared to present on Friday will present on whatever day we return.

So, the following students should bring their artifacts to school when we return:

Pransky - Jacob C., Josie, Kate, Zoe, Zack, Mikalyn
Dressel - Allison, Garrett, Eliana K., Morgan, Trina, Dalton 

I'm sure your kids get as antsy as mine when they are cooped up with this cold weather.  I am trying to find creative ways to keep mine busy, instead of constant video games, TV, or other electronics.  Of course, reading is always a nice 20 minute break option:)

CHALLENGE: Take a picture of your child doing something creative and send it to me.  I'll add these to our blog.  Maybe we can inspire others with some ideas.  Some ideas: Legos, puzzles, board/card games, blanket forts, etc.

Here at the Dressel house, we just dusted off the old breadmaker, and my kids are going to make some bread.  Hope it works, it been a LONG while since it's been used!