Thursday, December 5, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 12-5-13


Secret Santa. Mr. Pransky's class is shopping for Secret Santa at 10:30-11:00 tomorrow.  This time was changed to help accomodate the Parent Club volunteers.  Please send in your child's green form, money, and a bag for bought items tomorrow.  Any parents who would like to come help students shop would be appreciated, too.

Math Facts.  Students are making great progress on mastery of facts.  We just have a few who are still working on multiplication facts.  These students have a packet which needs to be completed and signed by Monday.

  • Treat shop items are due tomorrow.
Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


60% AR by Friday

Social Studies:



May work on animal adaptation presentation at home - we haven't had much time to work on these at school as we had hoped so we will be presenting these sometime next week.

Students will watch Lesson 1 & 2 Video on Learn Zillion and complete the matching pages in their packet.  Video 1 Has the wrong title on the worksheet.  I should read "Use an Array to Multiply a one digit number by a two digit number."  Otherwise the example and activities are correct.

Practice math facts for those who have not yet mastered multiplication.

Spelling - Lesson 11
Dressel - test Thursday
Pransky - test Friday

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade