Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Social Studies

Dear Parents,  I though I had better send you some explanation about the cultural heritage project.  This  is a project that all fourth graders do, not just my groups.  The first part, sending in your family's choice of country, was due yesterday, Monday the 27th.  Than you for staying way from Germany as we do not want 65 reports on the same country.  I realize this is a highly German area, but we all are a mixture of more cultures than one.
The next part is due by May 1, which is this Friday.  Since this falls out of the times I usually send homework (Thursday night) I thought you should get a message from me and be looking for the paper coming home today.  It is their list of items.  
Each part of the project will be sent several days before it is due.  Be looking for further pieces that will help them get their project done without waiting until the last minute.  These pieces are the same as any other assignment.  If they are not handed in on time, a lost DOJO point will result.  Thank you for sharing something about your family.  Times for presentations will be assigned this week so you will know when they will need to be ready. 
:-)  Mary Beth