Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Snow Day Math

Hello parents and students,

We hit an all time record for February today (-17º).  I hope everyone is staying warm today.  

Fun fact: Did you know that our brains use 20% of our calories?

Here's a Math activity to exercise your brain a little bit.  Next week we will be learning how to decompose (break down) fractions and how to add and subtract them.  You can get a head start on this learning by watching the videos below:

Watch this video from Learn Zillion to learn how to add fractions and do the Guided Practice on scratch paper.

Watch this video from Learn Zillion to learn how to subtract fractions and do the guided practice on scratch paper.

If you do these activities, bring them in to school on Monday for extra credit.  You can watch the other videos in the set as well if you'd like!

You can also play some of the fractions games that I shared yesterday for practice as well.

Have a great day!

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade