Friday, February 27, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-27-15

Dear Parents,

Read the Most from Coast to Coast:  See our blog post for pictures from today.

State Testing:  All three homerooms are scheduled to take the next test on Tuesday, March 3.

Math: An Accelerated Math assignment was sent home today.  It is not due until Tuesday.
  • Yearbook orders-see your child's take home folder
  • Blood drive - see form in your child's take home materials to register to donate or volunteer
  • Library writing contest - see flyer for this contest
  • These flyers came home yesterday or perhaps the day before.


  • 77% AR by Friday
Accelerated Math - Due Tuesday



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Read the Most & Van Allsburg Kick-Off

Today was the annual Read the Most from Coast to Coast event.  Students across the country have a read-a-thon to see how many AR quizzes can be passed in one day.  This has always been a fun day of reading.

On Wednesday the students were introduced to our Chris Van Allsburg author study project.  Van Allsburg is an award winning children's author who has 15 picture books that are perfect for fourth graders.  During the students' reading block today, they enjoyed these books in groups, trying to figure out the "twist" at the end.

I'd like to give a special thanks to the Anthony Wayne Education Foundation for helping to make this project possible.  Mrs. McMurtrie and I wrote a grant this school year so that we could both get three copies of each of his books for this author study.  Even though today most students only had a chance to read 2-3 of these books, this project will continue as part of our reading time over the next few weeks.

*** Scroll all the way to the bottom to see our grand total for today!

Mrs. Dressel's homeroom:


Mrs. Vanderstelt's homeroom:

Mr. Pransky's homeroom:

 Congratulations Team Mindcrafters!  We contributed 152 passed AR quizzes for the Read the Most from Coast to Coast Challenge for today!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2/26/15

Dear Parents,

State Testing:  We should have a regular day tomorrow without tests.  The tests will resume next week.  
  • Yearbook orders-see your child's take home folder
  • Blood drive - see form in your child's take home materials to register to donate or volunteer
  • Library writing contest - see flyer for this contest
  • These flyers came home yesterday or perhaps the day before.


  • 66% AR by Friday

The students have a vocabulary sheet in the back cover of their green folders. They need to study these words and definitions. There will be questions to answer about these words tomorrow.

Click here to Reply or Forward
:-)  Mary Beth

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update

Dear Parents,

State Testing:  All three homerooms are now scheduled to take their second state reading test tomorrow.  
  • Yearbook orders-see your child's take home folder
  • Blood drive - see form in your child's take home materials to register to donate or volunteer
  • Library writing contest - see flyer for this contest


  • main idea and text feature review worksheet
  • 66% AR by Friday



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-24-15

Dear Parents,

State Testing.  Mrs. Vanderstelt's students will take their first state Reading test tomorrow.  All classes will also take the second section of the Reading on Thursday.  Students have been working really hard on their tests so far.  Teachers will be awarding Class Dojo points for best efforts daily.

Reading:  Since there are two state assessments this week, we will not have enough time in our schedule to complete all of the items in our typical week.  Therefore, there will not be an ELA sheet or spelling words this week.  Even though students are still expected to read every night, there also will not be a log to complete.

  • Yearbook orders-see your child's take home folder
  • Blood drive - see form in your child's take home materials to register to donate or volunteer
  • Library writing contest - see flyer for this contest


  • 66% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test - none this week
Learn Zillion Packet - students should watch just videos #1 & #2 and complete the corresponding packet pages. Please save videos #3-#5 for later.
Go to and enter quick codes: LZ3187 and LZ3232



Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Monday, February 23, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-23-15

Dear Parents,

Headphones.  All students will need a good working pair of headphones for use on the upcoming online Ohio tests.  Please make sure your child has a pair at school.

State Testing.  The students will take their first Reading state test tomorrow.  This will be 1 of 3 assessments for reading.  Students have been encouraged to take home their DIY notebooks we've been completing all year, to review some of the skills that will be covered on tomorrow's test which is over literature (fiction).  Additionally, they have a page they can use to complete page 16, which we started in class today.  Anyone who completes this page will receive a bonus class dojo point for tomorrow.Please help your child perform at his or her best by making sure they are well nourished and well rested tomorrow.  

Reading:  Since there are two state assessments this week, we will not have enough time in our schedule to complete all of the items in our typical week.  Therefore, there will not be an ELA sheet or spelling words this week.  Even though students are still expected to read every night, there also will not be a log to complete.


  • 66% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test - none this week
AM Practice - remember to show all calculation work, especially multiplication or division!



Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Friday, February 20, 2015

Cold Weather Challenge 2-20-15

Enjoying the snow day playing Sequence with my family.

I'm just passing the time going through my quarters looking for state and state parks for my books and rolling the extra ones.

Cold Day Challenge

I hope everyone is staying warm!  My only reminders for students are to keep reading.  Whether we are in school or not, the quarter keeps on going.  Students will need 66% by next Friday.  Spelling test will also be made up on Monday, and ELA sheets collected.

CHALLENGE:  What creative things is your child doing to pass the time on these days off school?  Email me a picture and I'll add it to our blog.  Better yet, have your child write a brief description for their picture, and I'll add that too.

Check out our blog post from January 2014 when we sent this challenge to last year's students.

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Friday Snow Day Math

Hello parents and students,

We hit an all time record for February today (-17º).  I hope everyone is staying warm today.  

Fun fact: Did you know that our brains use 20% of our calories?

Here's a Math activity to exercise your brain a little bit.  Next week we will be learning how to decompose (break down) fractions and how to add and subtract them.  You can get a head start on this learning by watching the videos below:

Watch this video from Learn Zillion to learn how to add fractions and do the Guided Practice on scratch paper.

Watch this video from Learn Zillion to learn how to subtract fractions and do the guided practice on scratch paper.

If you do these activities, bring them in to school on Monday for extra credit.  You can watch the other videos in the set as well if you'd like!

You can also play some of the fractions games that I shared yesterday for practice as well.

Have a great day!

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Update 2-19-15 - Reading

Reminder - In addition to last night's homework being due tomorrow, we also will have our spelling test.  Many students are doing a great job of keeping up with their AR goal this quarter.  For those that are behind, today is a great day to work on getting caught up!  Students are expected to be at 55% by tomorrow.  Remember, you can always go to the Home Connect website to check on your child's progress (link below).  The login information is the same as what they use in school to take an AR quiz.

  • Finish ELA sheet
  • Read pages 264-269 in textbook (can access online)
  • 55% AR expected
  • Spelling test


Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Thursday Snow Day

Hi parents/students,

In Math we have been learning all about fractions.  There is a lot to cover in this topic. So far we have learned how to:
  • identify fractions of a figure or group (ex. 1/3 of 21 = 7)
  • compare fractions ( ex. 5/9 > 1/2)
  • order fractions ( ex. 2/5 < 1/2 < 2/3)
  • make equivalent fractions using common denominators, pictures, and number lines
There are so many fun online games and apps to practice fractions. I have included some links below.  If you or your child e-mails me saying that you played one of the games, they will earn some "Extra Effort" Class Dojo points.  If you really liked a game in particular, please tell me the name so I can recommend it to others.

To practice Fractions

Oh No Fractions app

Motion Math app

Fractions Online Games

More Fractions Online Games

Even more Fractions Online Games

Sumdog (put your settings to practice fractions)

Have a good day and stay warm.

-Mr. Pransky

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-18-15

Dear Parents,

Headphones.  All students will need a good working pair of headphones for use on the upcoming online Ohio tests.  Please make sure your child has a pair at school.


  • Muffins for Moms-a RSVP form went home about this last week
  • Yearbook cover design contest - a flyer went home about this last week


  • Finish ELA sheet and read pages 264-269 in textbook
  • 55% AR by Friday and Spelling test Friday



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-17-15

Dear Parents,

Headphones.  All students will need a good working pair of headphones for use on the upcoming online Ohio tests.  Please make sure your child has a pair at school.


  • Muffins for Moms-a RSVP form went home about this last week
  • Yearbook cover design contest - a flyer went home about this last week


  • 55% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Friday
AM Practice - remember to show all calculation work, especially multiplication or division!

Test over Plant and Animal Adaptation is tomorrow.


Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2/12/15

Dear Parents,

Don't forget the Valentines!
Also, Tuesday is a 2 hour delay for Professional Development.  


  • 44% AR by Friday

Science newspaper and worksheet Due tomorrow
Test February 18, all 3 classes

:-)  Mary Beth

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-11-15

Dear Parents,

Birthday Invitations -  Mr. Rhodes has asked all teachers to remind families that our school policy is for all invitations to be sent to home addresses. 


  • Read Abe's Honest Words (assigned through link below as a back-up)
  • 44% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test tomorrow and ELA sheet due tomorrow



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Personal Technology - we need your help


We had an issue at indoor recess this week that I hope you can help us address with your child.  Personal technology devices such as tablets, iPods, phones etc.. are allowed to be brought to school with a few important stipulations:

  1. They are to be used for educational purposes only.  Given the number of school devices available to use for research or educational gaming, this would likely mean for reading only. 

  2. Students are not allowed to play or use personal apps such as games on their device during school hours.  It is not possible for the teachers to monitor the content on student devices and many of these games would be inappropriate to play or view at school.  Games like Grand Theft Auto and Five Nights for Freddy come to mind.  Games such as this are generally rated for teenagers up to adult and have no inherent educational value.

  3. Any devices brought to school are the sole responsibility of the student.  We cannot be responsible for any devices that are lost, stolen, or broken at school.  Many students keep phones or tablets worth hundreds of dollars inside their desks or book bags.  This seems like a big risk just to have a book to read at school.  Please discuss this with your child and make sure this is the best choice for you and them to even bring these items to school.
Thank you for addressing this with your child and please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions about this.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-10-15

Dear Parents,

Recorders -  The students are very excited about their recorders and have been doing very well.  After practicing at home, please remind them to keep their recorder in their backpack so they have it with them on music days.


  • firsthand and secondhand accounts paper (#1, 3, & 4)
  • 44% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Thursday and ELA sheet due Thursday



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Monday, February 9, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 3-9-15

Dear Parents,

Valentine's Day Party.  Your child's class party will be in the afternoon this Friday, February 13.  This will be a fairly low key party with the time mostly spent passing out Valentines and enjoying such party snacks.  If your child would like to bring a decorated box or bag to store their Valentines, they are welcome to do this at home and bring it to school.  (Mrs. Vanderstelt's class has the option to make a Valentine envelope in their free time).


  • Due to the Spring Party, we will not switching classes on Friday.  Therefore, students will take their spelling test on Thursday this week.
  • 44% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Thursday
AM Practice - remember to show all calculation work, especially division!



Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Friday, February 6, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update - 1-6-15


Motion Math.  In Math today we played a game on the iPad that the students really enjoyed.  Its called Motion Math and can be found in the Apple app store (It may be in the android store as well).  Some of the students asked me to send a link to this game so they could download it at home.

Attendance.  Just a reminder that if your child is absent, a note explaining the absence should be brought to school when your child returns.  Students who do not arrive in the room by 8:45 are generally marked as tardy.

Guest Refs.  One of the popular rewards students have been purchasing with their Generals Dollars is to be a guest referee for weekly battleball games.  Here's a picture of this week's refs. 

Have a great weekend!

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Fwd: Waterville Branch Library programs


I wanted to pass along this information to you about some neat programs at the Waterville Library.  The "Squishy Circuits" sounds fun!

-Mr. Pransky

Hello everyone,
I wanted to make you aware of two programs coming up at the Waterville Branch Library that may be of interest to your students.  The first is Sit, Stay, Read, in which students in grades K-5 read to therapy dogs for 15 minutes once a week.  The second is Makerspace @ the Library: Squishy Circuits, in which students in grades 2 - 7 will attempt to light up an LED light with a battery pack and dough.  I have attached flyers for these programs if you care to post them or email them to teachers.  Thank you!
Patti Lusher
Children's Librarian
Waterville Branch Library
800 Michigan Ave.
Waterville, OH  43566
Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest - Mark Twain

Brad Rhodes
Whitehouse Primary School

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2/5/15

Dear Parents,


  • 33% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Friday

Science Weekly #22 and both sides of worksheet

:-)  Mary Beth

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-4-15

Dear Parents,


  • Read Delivering Justice and complete ELA sheet.  Story is available through link below.
  • 33% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Friday



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-3-15

Dear Parents,

We are trying to get back in to the swing of things here at school.  We appreciate your help in getting your child back to regular routines with bedtimes and homework this week.  Thank you to all of the students who did the extra practice work that was sent home yesterday.  Those can still be turned in any time this week.


  • 33% AR by Friday
  • Spelling test Friday
AM Practice



Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade

Monday, February 2, 2015