Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update - 11-6-17


Colder weather - We have definitely had some interesting weather lately.  Last week there were a couple of really cold days, and several students did not have sufficient coats, hats, etc to spend 30 minutes during recess in those temps.  Please help remind your child to have the appropriate clothing for recess each day.  We have a level recess at 9:30, and the temps are never much warmer than what they walk out into each morning for school.

Veterans Day - This week we are honoring our Veterans.  Mr. Pransky and I would like to personally thank all of our parents who are serving, or have served, in the armed forces.  Veterans are welcome to join students during lunch on Thursday or Friday this week.  Unless you already sent in the form that went home last week, it is asked that you bring a lunch with you when you come.  On Friday we will have a spirit day.  The theme is to wear camo, or red, white & blue.

HOMEWORKLink for student version copied on the first day of each week.

MONDAY - Accelerated Math

TUESDAY - Learn Zillion - Use links in Google Classroom

WEDNESDAY - Leveled Reader

LF (main idea & details)
AR goal should be 33% by Friday.  Remember you can check on your child's goal at any time by logging into Home Connect.  The log in is the same as what your child uses at school to take an AR quiz.


11/16 Thu.- Personal Safety Parent Night from 7:00-8:30 at Waterville Primary

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543