Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Science Test Results


You child completed their first Science test today.  Your child's overall results will come home today on a slip both as a percentage and as a standard score.  You can view more details about your child's test at the link below:

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A few things I'd like you to know about the test:

1.  While they are testing, students can receive half credit for correcting a question that they missed.  Sometimes this is deceptive because they may show up as green square on the left when really they got it right on the second or even third try (look for the "mark" score for that question ex. 2.0 out of 6.0)

2.  Students are allowed to retake a test to raise a grade up to a week after the test.  It does need to be completed at school rather than at home, however.

3.  Finally, any students who did not earn at least a standard score of "3" (82% or higher) are required to retake the test at school.  I recommend reviewing the test with special attention given to any questions that they did not earn full credit.

Thank you for all of your help encouraging your child with their science studies.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade teacher

On the web: