Monday, September 11, 2017

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 9-11-17


Spelling - Starting this week, students have been assigned a specific spelling list.  Although this could change throughout the year, your child today has been told if he/she is to be studying the orange, blue, or green list words.  These are on the sheet that comes home on Monday, as well as on the "refrigerator list" that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.  Last week's spelling test (actually two dictated sentences containing several words) was rough for many students.  Please make sure that your child is setting aside time each night to practice his or her words.

Parents' Night - Tomorrow night we hope many of you can make it for our first Parents' Night.  Team Mindcrafters (AKA Mr Pransky and Mrs. Dressel) will be presenting in Mr. Pransky's room.  We will do a 20 minute presentation at 6:00, 6:30, and 7:00.  There will be time at the end for questions, and for you to travel to another child's classroom, or to hear Mr. Rhodes in the gym.

Birthday treats - Just a couple reminders about these.  We really appreciate it when birthday treats are kept as simple as possible.  We try to celebrate birthdays during a block of time for set aside for silent reading so we want to have it be the smallest distraction possible.  Prepackaged treats are recommended since we have a students with allergies/dietary concerns, and it just makes for the easiest and fastest distribution and least mess.  We also do not have kitchen type items in our classrooms like napkins, plates, spatulas, etc... so be sure you send anything like that along with the treat if needed.  Drinks that need to be poured are another thing we would highly discourage.  (Juice boxes or bags are fine, but aren't necessary.)  Keep in mind that we have carpets, wobbly desks, and 27 accident prone children so the likelihood for spills is high.  Cleaning spills involves making a call to Mr. Norm to get his mini carpet steamer.  And of course, watching the carpet steamer is way more exciting than silent reading. :)


MONDAY - watch video on (quick code 3SV35RG) and complete worksheet for video #3

TUESDAY - Accelerated Math

WEDNESDAY Complete the back page of the Scholastic News and enter answers in Google Classroom.  Students then are expected to use a marking pen (red preferably) to mark wrong answers, and then correct.  Scholastic News is accessible online at and student password is aw2026 

THURSDAY - Learning Farm (an assignment will be there when they log in).

  • Tuesday, 9/12 - Parents' Night - 6-7:30
  • Tuesday - Thursday - CogAt testing
  • Friday 9/15 - Back to School Bash!  Starts at 5:00

Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543