Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Team Mindcrafters Weekly Update 8-22-17


Mrs. Dressel and I will send out weekly e-mails that include that week's homework as well as other reminders.  Sorry, they won't usually be this long, but there's a lot to share today.  :)  

Feel free to contact us by e-mail or through Class Dojo messaging if you ever have any questions or concerns.  Remember, that if it is a subject area question to please contact Mrs. Dressel for ELA & Social Studies and Mr. Pransky for Math & Science.  Also, if you need to contact us about something time sensitive (like an appointment that day) it is better to send it in a note or contact the office directly.  We will often not have a chance to check our e-mail until then end of the day.

What a great first day we had!  The first couple days involve a lot of learning and practice of classroom routines along with time spent getting to know one another.  The kids did a great job listening and remembering all of the procedures today.  
Looking forward to a great second day!

Summer Skills.  It's not too late to practice those math facts or finish an AR book for the summer skills challenge!  

Earbuds.  Some students will still need to bring a second set of earbuds. They make it much easier to grab in go in each of the two classrooms.

Silent Reading book.  Since your child hasn't had library yet, it would be helpful to send them with a good book to read if they have been reading something at home.  Many students borrowed books from our shelves in the meantime.


 Please complete and return the forms below as soon as possible:
  • "Get to know your child" paper (green)
  • signed handbook form (white)
  • Internet Safety form (white)
Students will also need to bring in:
  • a "me" bag (for Mr. Pransky)
  • 3 truths and a 1 fib paper (purple sheet for Mrs. Dressel)



Tues:  3 facts and a fib (Mrs. Dressel)

Wed: Math fact packet (5 minutes on each page) - this will be given in class tomorrow

Thurs: Reading comprehension worksheet

Fri: Paperwork listed above due

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade teacher

On the web: