Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 1-6-16

Social Studies Project  Look for your child to be bringing home a letter explaining a project to kick off our history unit.  To make sure you are aware, your child has been asked to have you sign the bottom portion of this letter to return to school.  A copy is also attached.

Math - The next few weeks we will be learning "long" division. 4th graders are expected to be able to divide numbers of up to 4 digits dividends by 1 digit divisors. We will be learning two ways to divide - the standard algorithm (the one you probably learned in school) and the partial quotient method (a method you've probably never seen before). We will be building our understanding a little bit each day. As students gain comfort with long division, we will also begin learning to solve problems using variables and expressions, another challenging topic.

  • Pizza Hut dine out night - Thursday, January 7
  • End of quarter - Thursday, January 14
  • Teacher Work Day (no school for students) - Friday, January 15
  • MLK Jr. Day (no school) - Monday, January 18
  • Grades updated in Powerschool - Thursday, January 21

AM Practice

  • Friday's AR goal - 95%



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543