Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 6-3-14

For the past two days, your child has been creating a "digital yearbook" in class.  Mr. Pransky and I are apparently quite the shutterbugs, as we have taken hundreds of pictures of the students over this past year.  Your child has had access to these, and has been choosing pictures to create a Google presentation of the year.  They came out great!  Students have access to this from home, and can continue working on these if they'd like.  Make sure they show you what they've done so far!

For tomorrow, it would be great if your child can bring an empty backpack so that there is room to bring home any remaining items from the year.  We've  been doing this a little all week, but just in case.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky