Monday, February 3, 2014

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-3-14


Weekly Powerhouse Theme.  The theme at school this week is on eating healthy.  Students are encouraged to bring in a healthy, kid-friendly recipe to share for a school cookbook.  There also is a food color focus each day this week:

Monday- food color-- Blue/Purple
Tuesday- food color--Green
Wednesday- food color--White
Thursday- food color--Yellow/Orange
Friday- food color--Red

Grade Cards.  Please return signed envelopes if you haven't already.

Presentations.  Tomorrow's presenters are as follows:

Dressel: Noah, Eliana L., Jacob, Justin, Haley, Montana, Isabelle
Pransky: Gabe, Travis, Vesta, Alivia, Seth, Austin.

The remaining presentations will be on Wednesday, or depending on the weather, whichever day we are back in school.  I'm ready for Spring....

Spirit Day:  This Friday is "Career Day".  Dress up to show what career you'd like to have someday.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky

Read story in textbook "Into the Sea" pg. 558.  Write down on Post-It notes (provided) words or phrases they are stuck-on, and how they figured out the meaning.  We practiced this in class today.  Students should do at least three of these, and should write, "I didn't get ________, so I......."

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Social Studies:



3rd quarter Math goal:  Master division facts

Spelling - Review (lessons 11-15)
Dressel - test Thursday
Pransky - test Friday