Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 11-19-13


Science.  Students have been learning about mimicry and camouflage as we have studied animal adaptations.  In learning about the peppered moth and how its camouflage changed after the industrial revolution, the students were challenged to design their own moth camouflage and hide it on a wall in the room.  We then acted as predators and "hunted" for them in the classroom.  We graphed how many we found versus how many were hidden.  The ones that were not found would represent the "survivors" which tended to have the best camouflage.  Next we moved the moths out of their natural environment (a new wall) to see how well they now blended in.  We predict there will be fewer "survivors" this time.  Can you find some of the hidden moths in the attached picture?  

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky

Practice lines in assigned part in tall-tale play.
AR goal for  Friday - 44%

Social Studies:
Social Studies quiz tomorrow.  Students took a practice on Moodle today.  Flashcards or Moodle may be used to study.  Students who got a 92% or higher do not need to take the quiz tomorrow, but may try for a better grade (highest score will be kept!).



AM Practice

Practice facts.  Second quarter goal is to master multiplication.

Spelling - Unit 2 review (study words from lists 6-10)
Dressel test - Thursday
Pransky test - Friday 

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade