Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome young Mindcrafters and parents!  

Mrs. Dressel and I are very excited to be teaching your child this year!  In an effort to better communicate with you, we will be posting daily to this team blog.  We hope it allows you to stay current with what your child is learning each day.

After some brainstorming sessions, Mrs. Dressel and I settled on the name Team Mindcraft to play off of the popular video game that both of our sons are absolutely addicted to  - "Minecraft."  The game is sort of like a digital version of Legos where players can use their imaginations to create their own structures and environments.  (As an example, the logo design for this page was completed by my son in the game.) We were looking for a name that would resonate with our students' interests, but would also reflect some of the philosophies Mrs. Dressel and I hold about education - that is, learning through creativity, play, and teamwork.

We look forward to working with you this year!

-Mr. Pransky