- Thursday, March 27: Pizza party for those who passed division and earned 100% of their AR goal by last Friday's deadline.
- Thursday, March 27: Day 1 and 2 Blizzard Bags sent home, they are due April 10.
- Friday, March 28: Math Madness afternoon video reward + popcorn party
- Book orders for Steve Harpster are due Friday
- Powerhouse 5K/1K run forms are due Friday
- Father daughter dance forms (not of sure the due date)
- Thursday: Chalk the walk activity (students do NOT need to bring in the chalk that went home Monday)
- Friday, March 28: Famous illustrator Steve Harpster visits
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky
read story "Train to Somewhere" pg. 46 in book.
Social Studies:
Practice test on Moodle.