There's lots going on this week as we finish up the quarter before spring break.
Blizzard Bags. There is a letter from Superintendent Fritz about the newly board approved plan for dealing with our extra calamity days this year. Please read this and look for more information in the coming days.
- Thurs. March 27: Reading & Math Pizza Reward Party
- Fri, March 28: Pizza reward party, and Math Madness afternoon video reward + popcorn party
- Book orders for Steve Harpster are due Friday
- Powerhouse 5K/1K run forms are due Friday
- Father daughter dance forms (not of sure the due date)
- Wednesday: Read a T-shirt Day
- Thursday: Chalk the walk activity
- Friday, March 28: Famous illustrator Steve Harpster visits
- Students can gather stickers for their Read Around Whitehouse Passports anytime before April 7th.
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky
No goal for next week, start reading a great book to help jump start the 4th quarter goal when we return from Spring Break!
Social Studies:
Practice test on Moodle.
Math Madness Week 4, Day 2.
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade