Thursday, December 12, 2013

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 12-12-13


Treat Shop.  Today Team Mindcrafters finished selling treats to Kindergarten and then bought treat themselves.  In all, our classes collected $284.18 in sales and donations.  (We'll send you a grade level total once we hear from the other 4th grade team on their sales.)  A huge "thank you" for all of the donated items.  Next week the students will give the money to Zion Church where they use the money to provide food and other needed supplies for families in need in the area.

Adaptations slideshow.  Tonight is the last chance for students to finish or make any revisions to their animal adaptations slideshow.  All students have received an e-mail with their graded rubric and have comments in some cases about things to fix or add.

Science Test.  Students will be tested next week over Ch. 3 in their book.  I have sent students an these e-mail links to Brainscape (flashcard practice) and the practice test on Moodle.

  • Friday is Spirit Day - Twin Day.  Students are encouraged to dress up like another student.   

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


70% AR by Friday

Social Studies:


Adaptations slideshow revisions.

Ch. 3 Lesson 4 Check (The worksheet actually says Lesson 6 but this a typo).  Students should use book pages 105-109 to complete.


Practice math facts for those who have not mastered multiplication.

Spelling - Lesson 12
Dressel - test Thursday
Pransky - test Friday

Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates.

Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade