Monday, September 15, 2014

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-15-14


Student Council - Permission slips are due by Wednesday to be included in the voting for student council.  Interested candidates should prepare a speech to be given on the day of the election which will be either Thursday or Friday.

Homework Students have been doing a nice job overall with meeting reading reading goals and turning in homework on time.  However, some students with need to improve in the areas of direction following and completing all of the activity correctly.  In some cases, students may earn a Class Dojo point for "homework," but then lose a point for "unacceptable work" if the work does not represent their best effort.

Tonight is Dine Out Night!  Take a break from cooking dinner tonight and come support your school.  Fundraiser is today from 4-8 at Local Thyme in Whitehouse.  15% of sales go to the Whitehouse Parents Club.


Finish Weekly ELA Sheet by Friday
20 minutes of nightly reading - Goal is 44% by Friday

AM Practice


Visit the team website for useful links and to learn more about cool fourth grade activities.

Need to check your child's progress in AR, AM, or Math Facts in a Flash?  Go to:
Shane Pransky
Whitehouse Primary
4th Grade