Family Artifact Project. Today your child is bringing home a yellow half-slip of paper with the date for their artifact presentation. We started typing up our information today, and will finish tomorrow. Students can also work on this from home, if they wish, by logging into their Google accounts.
Book Order. If anyone wishes to order some new books, I will be placing an order this weekend. This order will be under a different account, as we are using 4th grade points to order some new novels. If you wish to place an order, please use the following link:
* I would appreciate any orders being placed by Sunday night.
* I would appreciate any orders being placed by Sunday night.
- Pizza Party (Friday 1-24) For those who met their AR and Multiplication goal in the 2nd quarter.
- Grade cards go home by Friday, January 24
- Small Pringles can, frosting canister, Play-Doh, or similar container for timeline project. Please try to send in by 1/27.
Have a great night,
Class Blog- frequently used links and daily updates. Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky
Greek and Latin affixes worksheet
11% AR by Friday!
Social Studies:
3rd quarter Math goal: Master division facts
Spelling - Lesson 15
Dressel - test Thursday
Pransky - test Friday