Friday, September 4, 2015

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 9-4-15


Dress Code - Many students have been wearing flip flops to school.  This is against our school dress code for safety reasons.  Sandals are acceptable as long as there is some sort of strap that goes around the back of the foot.

Weekly ELA Sheet - Since we don't have school Monday, students received their first Weekly ELA (English Language Arts) Sheet today.  They will have a sheet like this most weeks.  You will find their spelling list, vocabulary, and other information.  A copy is attached for those who were not in school today, or those who may need an extra copy. 

Spelling - There are three spelling lists on the front and back of the ELA sheet.  Students were placed into one of the lists, based on their performance on a spelling assessment given last week.  They should have highlighted which list is theirs.  The back side has some activities that they are expected to complete by Thursday of each week.  This will be part of their Wednesday night homework, in addition to reading the story of the week.  They may work on this page anytime throughout the week.  The optional challenge may be done for an extra Class Dojo point.

National Parks - This year the national parks have a special program which allows 4th graders to receive free passes to all national parks.  Thanks to Mrs. Choma for sharing this information.  Here's a link for more information about this. Every Kid in A Park

  • Labor Day Monday - no school
  • Student Council permission forms - due Tuesday for anyone interested in running for Student Council.
  • Book orders - These were due today.  I will place the order on Sunday, but you may still order online until then.  Order online:  Class Activation Code: GJLYC  


Read for 20 minutes.  AR goal for next Friday = 33%



Mary Dressel
Whitehouse 4th Grade
Office Phone 419-877-0543