Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Team Mindcrafters Daily Update 2-4-72


Weekly Powerhouse Theme.  The theme at school this week is on eating healthy.  Students are encouraged to bring in a healthy, kid-friendly recipe to share for a school cookbook.  There also is a food color focus each day this week:

Wednesday- food color--White
Thursday- food color--Yellow/Orange
Friday- food color--Red

Grade Cards.  Please return signed envelopes if you haven't already.

Presentations.  Anyone who has not yet presented will present tomorrow, weather permitting, or whatever day we are in school next. They need artifacts, yellow slip, and presentation completed.

Spirit Day:  This Friday is "Career Day".  Dress up to show what career you'd like to have someday.

Girls on the Run.  A flyer for this went home today.

Have a great night,
Mrs. Dressel and Mr. Pransky


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Social Studies:



AM Practice due Wed. or first day back to school.

Learn Zillion packet video #1 & #2 is due on Friday.  I gave the students this packet today just in case we have to close over the next two days.  If we are not in school for the next two days, it will still be due on Friday.  I'll send a separate e-mail on this with the needed links and a copy of the worksheet.

3rd quarter Math goal:  Master division facts

Spelling - Review (lessons 11-15)
Dressel - test Thursday
Pransky - test Friday